Donor Management & Fundraising Blog

Guide to Peer-to-Peer Fundraising with your Nonprofit Board

Written by Kelly Yaker | October 11, 2018

Sometimes it can be difficult to get your nonprofit board to give. Fortunately, there is a simple way to make it easier for them and for your organization while raising more money than you could have otherwise. We’ve talked about maximizing board giving in a previous blog post, but in this article, I want to focus on exactly how you can use peer-to-peer fundraising to change the way your board approaches giving.

Step 1: Make Peer-to-Peer pages for your board members


I’m betting not everyone on your board is technologically savvy. Luckily, Arreva’s peer-to-peer fundraising system makes it easy for you to create personal pages for each of your board members without having to ask them to even touch a keyboard.

You’ll have everyone’s page set up in no time, and then you can move on to .



Step 2: Draft a sample ask that board members can personalize


Every P2P page has a personal description of the fundraiser and what it means to the volunteer running the page. It can be difficult to find the right words for this, especially if you are a busy board member. Make it simple by writing a short description of the campaign and your cause that leaves room for board members to expand on what it means to them personally. 


For example, this page for a Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Alabama fundraiser contains a letter to prospective donors that visit the page. Write out a sample like this for your board members and show them how they can add their own personal touches about their connection to the organization and why the cause matters to them.


Step 3: Guide board members through the sharing process


A big part of peer-to-peer fundraising is social media sharing. Your board members may or may not be active on social media, but it’s important to hold their hand through the process of sharing their page. Host a workshop that walks them through the sharing process, including everything from creating a post to picking hashtags. This will also make them more likely to share your organization’s posts in the future!


Of course, in addition to social sharing, you can encourage board members to send personalized emails to friends and family with a direct link to the fundraiser in the body of the email. It adds a personal touch to the fundraising process.


These three steps will help you get your nonprofit board started with P2P fundraising without a lot of fuss. With a system that makes it simple, your board will be raising money for your organization in no time.


For more helpful tips to get your organization up to speed on peer-to-peer fundraising, download our Essential Guide to Peer-to-Peer Fundraising eBook